Kamis, 10 September 2009

Broken Ideas And Idea Repair

As a rule, our culture tends to think of emotions as things that well up inside us in a way that’s more or less completely outside our control. We can avoid emotional situations, this point of view goes, or we can suppress them, but they are what we are, and thinking doesn’t enter into it.

I’d like to demonstrate some very useful ways this is completely wrong. I’ll do it using, of course, a mime.

Let’s say our mime–for convenience, we can call him Raoul–is on his way to the park to do a little street performance on a sunny May afternoon. For his performance today, Raoul has purchased three dozen imaginary eggs, which he plans to juggle, balance on his nose, perform magic tricks with, etc. He is carrying the imaginary eggs in mime fashion when he slips on an imaginary banana peel on the sidewalk and crashes to the concrete, right on top of his eggs. Now Raoul is a mess, covered with imaginary egg. All of his eggs are ruined, so there go his performance plans for the day, and to top it off, the people in his otherwise fair city are so rude and thoughtless that they leave imaginary banana peels lying all over the place. Oh, and to make it worse, since it was an imaginary banana peel, clearly it was another mime who did it!

We would expect Raoul to get upset in one way or another. He could sit there, covered with smashed eggs, weeping, or he could fling the gooey, imaginary cartons around in fury, shouting silent curse words. And we probably wouldn’t blame him for this, because through someone else’s carelessness, he’s a mess and his day is ruined.

Now, it’s true that immediately when this happens, Raoul’s brain will start making associations, and brain chemicals will start influencing his behavior–notably adrenaline in response to the unexpected fall and the problems that it has suddenly caused. That helps set the stage, but at the same time Raoul’s brain is likely to be generating what are called “automatic thoughts”: emotionally laden and potentially misleading judgments about what has happened. They might include things like:

“I’m screwed! I needed those eggs for this performance, and if I don’t perform I won’t have enough money to pay the rent tomorrow, and then I’ll probably get kicked out of my apartment!”

“What kind of sick #$!(@ leaves imaginary banana peels lying around all over the sidewalk?”

“This is a disaster!”

These kinds of automatic thoughts are also called “cognitive distortions,” because they are a kind of thinking that encourages belief in things that aren’t true. I’ll use a different term for them, though: “broken ideas.” A broken idea is anything you think up that misleads you. But what’s misleading about the above? Isn’t Raoul just silently telling it like it is?

In all honesty, he isn’t. Raoul’s broken ideas are broken only subtly, but they’ll lead him down a path he doesn’t want to take. For instance, his predictions about being evicted are very likely wrong, even if he isn’t able to come up with every penny of the rent money on time, and the fact that he’s trying to predict the future rather than just evaluate his options is a major red flag. We can’t predict the future in most cases, so basing our actions on assumptions about what will happen tends to lead to badly-chosen actions. Anyway, even in the worst case scenario he can always show how he’s trapped in a box and unable to leave the apartment. This is one of the powers mimes have.

He’s also telling himself he needs the eggs for the performance, when in fact he probably just wants the eggs for the performance, and can either buy more eggs or do a different routine.

And he’s also labeling the banana peel leaver as a (please pardon me for repeating this bad language) “sick #$!(@,” which dehumanizes the person and could lead some real interpersonal problems (like being hit over the head repeatedly with an imaginary stick) if Raoul decides the perpetrator must have been a particular someone he knows and acts toward that person as though they were purposely going around and leaving imaginary banana peels for people to slip on.

So what’s wrong with these ideas is that they’re inaccurate, and more to the point, they tend to lead Raoul in the direction of making bad choices, like going to drown his sorrows in imaginary beer, or marching off to throttle a colleague who is a known banana afficianado. What would make Raoul happiest at the moment would be to somehow find a way to free himself of his anxiety and frustration at the incident, get him to think through what he’ll need to do to go ahead with his performance, and as soon as possible to get him to the park to charm half the passersby and infuriate the other half with his mimetic ways. This way his day could very rapidly get back on track, and no other trouble would need to come of the banana peel fiasco.

How does Raoul do this? We’ll tackle this in much better detail in other posts, but the basic steps are:

1. Relax, step back from the situation, and breathe
2. Use idea repair
3. Get on with your life

Idea repair, which takes some practice to learn but can be wonderfully effective once you have the basics down, is the process of reworking broken ideas to reflect the truth of the situation. For instance, “What kind of sick #$!(@ leaves imaginary banana peels lying around all over the sidewalk?” could be repaired to something like “As much as I wish they didn’t, sometimes people will leave imaginary banana peels on the sidewalk, so I’ll be better off if I’m on the lookout for them.”

Similarly, “This is a disaster!” could be repaired to “This is inconvenient and embarrassing, but if I take the right steps, I can get my day back on track.”

You might be amazed how much stress and distraction idea repair can sometimes clear away. I certainly have been ever since I first learned about the technique a decade or so ago.
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Rabu, 09 September 2009

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a result of the body’s natural reaction to stress, producing adrenaline to enable people to perform at their very best. It is the production of so-called “fight-or-flight” hormones that cause the feeling of butterflies in the stomach before an exam. They are also responsible for the ability to run away when coming under attack.

Sometimes, though, the body begins to trigger this defence mechanism in inappropriate situations. The symptoms could occur as a result of a specific phobia or fear, a stress-related disorder or generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
Symptoms of Anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety manifest themselves as both psychological and physical symptoms, each of which can be equally distressing. Psychologically, sufferers may feel irritable and agitated, concern that a disaster is about occur or that they are about to experience a loss of control in some way.

The physical symptoms, however, can be so severe that they are often mistaken for a heart attack, and include:

* palpitations or a racing heart;
* difficulty breathing;
* chest pains or a tightness across the chest;
* dry mouth;
* nausea;
* dizziness;
* shaking;
* sweating; and
* upset stomach.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of symptoms, and one person may experience them in a slightly different way than another. Suffering any one of these symptoms, apparently for no reason and with no explanation, however, could cause further increased levels of anxiety, making the symptoms worse. Knowing that they can be attributed to anxiety and taking steps to deal with that can make a big difference.

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Penyebab terjadinya Mimpi

Berlawanan dengan apa yang diyakini kebanyakan orang, mimpi TIDAK disebabkan karena memakan makanan tertentu sebelum tidur, atau stimulus (rangsangan) tertentu dari lingkungan sekitarnya selama tidur. Mimpi disebabkan oleh proses biologis internal dalam tubuh. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel otak besar pada bagian belakang otak secara periodik pecah dalam selang waktu sekitar 90 menit, dan mengirimkan rangsangan (stimuli) yang bersifat acak (random) ke bagian korteks (cortex) pada otak. Sebagai akibatnya, bagian memori, sensorik, kontrol saraf, dan kesadaran pada otak ter-stimulasi secara acak yang berdampak adanya rangsangan pada puncak bagian korteks pada otak. Menurut penelitian ini, proses diatas mengakibatkan kita mengalami apa yang kita sebut sebagai mimpi.

Pada akhir-akhir ini, kontroveresi yang paling signifikan mengenai mimpi berkisar pada pertanyaan apakah mimpi memiliki kaitan langsung dengan pribadi seseorang ataukah tidak. Sebagian psikoterapis berpendapat bahwa saat rangsangan neurologis dari otak memicu proses terjadinya mimpi, isi atau representasi dalam mimpi dapat berasal dari kebutuhan, keinginan, atau harapan dari alam bawah sadar dan kehidupan sehari-hari pada orang yang mengalami mimpi tersebut. Karena itu sebagian psikoterapis beranggapan bahwa mimpi merupakan cetusan dari alam bawah sadar seseorang. Penjelasan ini dikenal sebagai penjelasan "phenomenological-clinical", atau "top-down". Dilain pihak, penjelasan neourologis, atau "bottom-up", menyatakan bahwa mimpi sama sekali tidak memiliki arti khusus. Diantara keduanya terdapat pendekatan yang disebut "context analysis", yang menjelaskan dan mengklasifikasikan representasi yang ditemukan seseorang dalam mimpinya, seperti manusia, rumah, kendaraan, pohon, kendaraan, tanpa interpretasi yang mendalam mengenai detil objek tersebut. Perbedaan antara representasi telah ditemukan antara mimpi yang dialami pria dan wanita, serta mimpi yang dialami manusia dalam berbagai tingkatan pertumbuhan. Mengenai arti perbedaan tersebut saat ini masih dalam penelitian

Secara umum, mimpi biasanya didefinisikan sebagai proses dari bayangan, perasaan, pergerakan dan pikiran yang kita alami saat tertidur. Mimpi dapat dialami pada setiap fase dalam tidur kita, dan tidak harus selalu melibatkan rangsang tertentu (misalnya rangsang visual). Orang buta, misalnya, mengalami mimpi melalui rangsangan pendengaran maupun perasaan dan gerakan (sensorik-motorik). Mimpi juga bukan merupakan keistimewaan yang hanya dialami manusia. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mimpi juga dialami oleh hewan.

Fase REM dalam tidur

Sekitar tahun 1953, peneliti Nathaniel Kleitman membuat suatu penemuan penting mengenai fase REM (Rapid Eye Movement) dalam tidur. Fase ini ditandai dengan pergerakan bola mata yang cepat secara periodik yang terjadi baik pada manusia maupun hewan saat tertidur. Dalam sebuah penelitian yang melibatkan sukarelawan sebagai subjek penelitian, saat tidur subjek penelitian dihubungkan dengan peralatan-peralatan EEG (electroencephalogram, pengukur gelombang otak), EMG (electromyogram, pengukur pergerakan otot), dan EOG (electroculogram, pengukur gerakan bola mata). Sekitar 90% subjek yang dibangunkan dari tidur saat mengalami fase REM melaporkan bahwa mereka mengalami mimpi (sekitar 60% subjek yang dibangunkan sebelum mengalami fase REM juga melaporkan mengalami aktifitas mirip mimpi dalam tidurnya).

Sebelum adanya penelitian mengenai REM, masih belum diketahui persis seberapa sering manusia bermimpi. Beberapa teori bahkan menyebutkan bahwa impian merupakan tanda-tanda gangguan mental bagi mereka yang mengalaminya. Melalui riset laboratorium mengenai mimpi, subjek dibangunkan dari tidurnya setelah mengalami fase REM untuk diteliti aktifitas mentalnya selama tidur secara seksama. Manusia diketahui mengalami mimpi pada setiap malam. Pada manusia dewasa, mimpi biasanya berlangsung pada sekitar 90 menit setelah mulai tertidur dan terjadi lagi setiap 90 menit dengan durasi yang lebih lama, selama total 2 jam fase REM dalam tidur malam. Dengan rata-rata 5 mimpi tiap malam, manusia rata2 mengalami 136.000 impian sepanjang hidupnya dengan waktu yang setara dengan 6 tahun fase REM dalam tidur!

Saat mengalami mimpi dalam fase REM, manusia mengalami peningkatan pada detak jantung, pernafasan, tekanan darah, konsumsi oksigen, dan pengeluaran getah lambung. Tidur fase REM biasanya disebut sebagai tidur paradox karena memiliki karakteristik seperti tidur fase awal (light sleep) dan tidur fase lanjut (deep sleep) sekaligus: Berdasarkan pengukuran pada EEG, fase REM adalah tidur fase awal (tingkat I), sedangkan berdasarkan pengukuran EMG merupakan tidur fase lanjut (tingkat IV), karena sebagian besar otot seolah-olah "dilumpuhkan" secara bersamaan untuk mencegah si pemimpi secara fisik melakukan apa yang diimpikannya (misalnya berjalan sambil tidur).

Beberapa teori mencoba menjelaskan mengenai manfaat fase REM dalam tidur diantaranya:
Tidur fase REM memungkinkan stimulasi bagi perkembangan otak
Sebagai bagian dari fungsi perbaikan secara kimia terhadap bagian otak yang mengalami kerusakan
Memungkinkan terjadinya koordinasi terhadap gerak mata, berdasarkan fakta bahwa pada fase tidur non REM, kedua bola mata bergerak secara sendiri-sendiri
Sebagai fungsi penjagaan, berhubung pada tidur fase REM (tingkat I) dikenali sebagai fase setengah sadar sebelum betul-betul terbangun dari tidur
Teori paling akhir yang juga kontroversial menyebutkan bahwa dalam tidur fase REM terjadi penghapusan fungsi neurologis pada otak
Dalam pengertian psikologis, mimpi pada fase REM diduga dapat meningkatkan dan meng-organisasi memori (ingatan) di otak.

20 s/d 25% waktu tidur kita digunakan untuk mimpi. Kita mimpi berkali-kali
dalam semalam dan setiap mimpi itu waktunya antara 5 s/d 40 menit. Walaupun
demikian bayi bisa mimpi sampai delapan jam, maklum bayi tidurnya kuga jauh
lebih lama. Kita jarang bisa mengingat mimpi, sebab pengalaman mimpi kita
pada umumnya di simpan dalam otak sementara yang hanya bisa di ingat antara
5 s/d 10 menit saja.

Pada saat kita mimpi otak tempat dimana biasanya kita berpikiri (prefrontal
cortex) itu tidak aktif sama seperti lumpuh, sebab mimpi terjadinya hanya
dibagian depan otak kita (forebrain) oleh sebab itulah kita tidak bisa
mengendalikan jalan arusnya mimpi kita.

Pada umumnya jarang kita bisa mimpi mengenai kematian diri kita sendiri.
Begitu juga kita tidak akan pernah bisa mengatur malam ini ingin mimpi apa
atau mau ketemu dengan siapa dalam mimpinya ?

Pada saat kita mimpi kita terbebas dari ikatan waktu maupun ruangan, jadi
bisa saja kita mimpi berada di tempat yang jauh atau dimasa lampau maupun
yang akan datang, walaupun demikian perlu diketahui; lima menit waktu di
dalam mimpi itu sama seperti juga lima menit waktu dalam keadaan real jadi
tidak ada bedanya.

Banyak orang yang walaupun sudah bertahun-tahun bermukim diluar negeri,
tetapi lokasi tempat mimpinya tetap saja di Indonesia, sebab dialam bawah
sadar mereka, sebenarnya mereka merasa kehilangan dan rindu terhadap kampung

Pria dan wanita mimpinya beda, banyak perempuan menduga bahwa kalau pria
mimpi kebanyakan pasti ketemu dengan lawan jenisnya, ini tidak benar. Pria
mimpi dua kali lipat lebih banyak mengenai pria lainnya, jadi bukannya
bertemu dengan perempuan, sedangkan perempuan fifty-fifty. Sepertiga dari
perempuan mimpi mengenai pekerjaannya, tetapi perempuan diatas 45 tahun
lebih sering mimpi bertemu dengan orang yang telah meninggal. Dan kalau
perempuan mimpi mengenai sex, 77% mimpi dengan pria yang mereka kenal,
sedangkan pria 55% dengan perempuan yang tidak mereka kenal. Perempuan lebih
mudah bisa mengingat mimpinya daripada pria. (Psychologie Magazine edisi

Banyak orang merasa bahwa mereka sering mimpi basah atau mimpi mengenai sex,
ini disebabkan kita akan mimpi lebih lama dan lebih panjang menjelang pagi
hari. Dan diwaktu pagi tingkat hormon sex nya kebanyakan orang meningkat hal
inilah yang membuat mereka jadi sering mimpi basah. Walapun demikian orang
yang sering mimpi basah, bukannya berarti ia memiliki gairah sex yang
berlebihan. Mimpi basah akan mengalami penurunan frekuensi sejalan dengan
bertambahnya usia seseorang.

Salah satu penyebab utama kenapa pria lebih sering mengalami mimpi basah,
karena perbedaan anatomis, letak penis pria berada di luar tubuh, kadangkala
bisa mendapat rangsangan akibat gerakan atau gesekan selagi tidur, dengan
bantal atau kasur misalnya. Sementara bagi wanita, klitoris yang letaknya
lebih ke dalam bagian tubuh, sedikit kemungkinan untuk bisa mendapat
rangsangan dari luar.

Kebanyakan anak-anak mimpi mengenai binatang. Anak kecil juga bisa mengalami
mimpi buruk seperti halnya orang dewasa, oleh sebab itu terkadang mereka
suka berteriak ataupun menangis ketika sedang tidur, dalam hal ini mereka
tidak perlu dibangunkan.

Selama ini somnabulisme atau tindakan yang dilakukan orang saat tidur, diketahui hanya terbatas pada mengoceh (mengingau), berjalan, atau paling-paling makan sambil tidur (Intisari November 1982 dan April 1993). Banyak peneliti berpendapat serupa, somnambulisme terjadi pada fase tidak bermimpi, atau disebut tahap REM (rapid eye movement) di mana fungsi otot biasanya "lumpuh".
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Selasa, 08 September 2009

INTUITION, Ideas From Our Subconscious

The subconscious mind has three main functions. Firstly, by acting upon the brain stem, it controls the bodily functions such as the heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, repair of cells and tissues, and hundreds of other process that are beyond our conscious understanding.

Secondly, any thought or belief that has been accepted by the subconscious resonates and vibrates within you. This vibration, like a tuning fork, attracts the people, circumstances and events that match the images and concepts you have within. This function of the subconscious is what makes mind power so effective in manifesting our goals and desires.

Thirdly; the subconscious mind, being holographic and a part of all reality, has access to infinite amounts of information not readily available to the conscious mind. The ways of accessing this information are varied; however our intuition is one of the easiest and most reliable ways, and this will be what I’ll explore over the next several months.

Intuition is a function of the subconscious. We all have it and it works for everyone. Obviously, the more you use and understand it the more effective it is. Like anything, practice makes you better. Also your trust and belief in your intuition has an effect as well. If, for example, you laugh and scoff at intuition as an old wives’ tale, if you don’t put any value on it whatsoever, it will be unlikely that your intuition will come to you; or if it does, that you will be open and aware enough to receive it. On the other hand, if you believe in intuition, watch for it and act upon it when it does arrive, it will frequent you more often. So obviously your belief in its existence is a factor.

This belief, however, does not have to be blind faith. Belief comes from reading, researching, and ultimately from looking within and experimenting with intuition. When you practice going within regularly, you will surely discover this second powerful inner self, and from this discovery a whole new life revolves. We realize that we are no longer limited to just our conscious mind and five senses.

In my twenty-three years of teaching Mind Power I have never once met a person who cannot tap into their subconscious and use their intuition. However, before I continue, let me say that the word "intuition" itself is a bit of a misnomer. Referring to it as a noun makes it sound like a wise sage, or something you get to by "using my intuition." A better and more accurate way to look at it would be to think of it as a process – a verb.

"I intuited the answer." While this may sound funny to the ear it is a more accurate description. You don’t use your intuition to get answers – you "intuit," and through this process you access the wealth of information contained within our subconscious.

Always remember that in tapping into your subconscious you are connecting into the web of all reality. Each of us has a personal subconscious which contains every event of our life, as well as a collective subconscious. The "collective unconscious," as Jung called it, is not limited to our personal knowledge and experiences. It draws upon the collective wisdom of all knowledge past, present and, in a strange way, even future. Our subconscious is not limited by time and space; it transcends physical reality. It is in many ways the ultimate Internet connection. Whatever you need to know, you can go within and discover it.

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Senin, 07 September 2009

The Conscious and Subconscious

We have been designed with not just one mind but two. One mind, it seems, is not enough for what nature and destiny have in store for us. These two minds have very different functions, but they are designed to complement each other, to work together as a functioning team. This complementary work, however, rarely happens, and this is one of the reasons we have problems in our lives. Without harmony in the inner kingdom, there is bound to be dissent and disharmony in the many different ways that life unfolds.

The problem is with the conscious mind. The conscious mind, unless it has been awakened, remains uninterested in the subconscious. It sees no value in working with it. Even the subconscious’s existence is at best conceptual to the conscious mind; a working functioning relationship has not yet been established between the two minds. But with awakening comes the realization of the possibilities of such a relationship. At this point the conscious mind woos the subconscious. This is why it is so important to educate the conscious mind to its role in the human matrix.

The subconscious mind is very powerful, but quite different from the conscious mind. The conscious mind, as you will remember, seeks out Inventory, knowledge and meaning. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, does not seek out Inventory, but receives its mandate and imprints from its interpretation of the content and focus of the conscious mind. What the conscious mind thinks about and focuses on will be the material that the subconscious works with, and that is why we also call the conscious mind “Guardian to the Gates of the Subconscious.” It is the conscious mind’s function to be discerning about what thoughts it thinks, knowing that whatever its focus and attention is on will eventually enter into the subconscious.

As we awaken, we train the conscious mind to take this “Guardian of the Gates of the Subconscious” seriously, and we train ourselves to think only thoughts and images that we would want the subconscious to pick up. There is a very intimate relationship between these two minds, and as the conscious mind gains respect for this relationship, it will work accordingly.

The subconscious’s mandate and function is simply to resonate according to the energetic images that reside within it. It does not choose which beliefs or images it will hold, nor does it judge or censor what it receives. Like neurons wired together because of constant traffic, the subconscious accepts content delivered to it by repetition and feeling. Repetition and feeling are two of the methods we use to reach the subconscious. Whatever the conscious mind thinks about regularly will be picked up by the subconscious and imprinted within. Repetition and deep feeling are what it is looking for and it will seek these out. If your thoughts are about abundance and success, it will pick these up. It will manifest prosperity just as easily as lack, and health just as easily as sickness. If your thoughts are about scarcity, that is what it will pick up. If they are of fear, it will pick up this too. Whatever blueprint resides within our subconscious as an energy vortex becomes the attracting process by which experiences happen to us in our life. To understand this is to understand something great.

The conscious mind is also the “holder to the will.” This is another interesting difference between the two minds, as the subconscious mind has no will or volition of its own. It is passive in what it receives, and acts upon the Inventory it receives from the conscious mind. In fact, you could say that all of Mind Power is based upon the receptivity of the subconscious to suggestion and instruction.

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New Direction for Treatment

A discovery opens a new direction for treating the devastating cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. There is currently no treatment for that. It suggests that if you can stimulate and amplify the activity of the protein kalirin that remains in the brain, perhaps we can help the symptoms.

Currently the only drug treatment for schizophrenia is an antipsychotic. The drugs address the hallucinations and calm down the patient, but they don't improve their working memory (the ability of the brain to temporarily store and manage information required for complex mental tasks such as learning and reasoning) or their ability to think or their social behavior.

Similarities Between Human and Mouse Brains

A few years ago in postmortem examinations of schizophrenic human brains, other scientists had found fewer connections between the brain cells in the frontal cortex and lower levels of kalirin. But the scientists couldn't show whether one condition led to the other.

With the new mouse model, experts was able to demonstrate that the low level of kalirin resulted in fewer dendritic spines in the frontal cortex of the brain, the part of the brain responsible for problem solving, planning and reasoning. Other areas of the brain had a normal number of the dendritic spines. Human brains and mouse brains share many similarities in the way they function.

The new schizophrenic mouse model also exhibits more schizophrenic symptoms than other models, making these mice especially good for drug testing and development. The mice with low amounts of kalirin had a poor working memory, were antisocial and hyperactive. Future studies would aim at enhancing the function of kalirin in the brain in an effort to correct the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.

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Minggu, 06 September 2009

The Affirmations Power

One of the most powerful tools we can use to change our beliefs and our behaviors is the tool known as affirmations.

Affirmations are simple, short, strong messages that we send to ourselves, by repeating them out loud or silently. Affirmations can also be written.

There’s a good reason why we should master the use of affirmations. If you don’t learn how to choose and use positive affirmations, you will be a victim of the negative affirmations you are already repeating to yourself.

Do you ever catch yourself saying something like, “There you go again, being stupid again. Don’t you ever learn? Can’t you ever do anything right?”

For many people, this is a typical affirmation that runs through their head many times a day.

If you take a look at this particular affirmation, you will notice that it is very, very negative. It says to the person, “You are stupid. You are always wrong, and you will always be wrong.”

Affirmations can be incredibly powerful, whether they are positive or negative. An affirmation acts like a form of hypnosis. It tells the listener how to be and how to behave.

Can you imagine the effect of such a negative affirmation, repeated dozens or even hundreds of times a day, over many years?

When you make the decision to start using positive affirmations, you will be challenging many years of negative affirmations that you have used in the past. You need to experiment and discover the best way that positive affirmations can work for you. There is a lot of information available about how to use positive affirmations, and not every technique is the same. Not every system will work well for each person, as we are all individual.

Still, there are many people who claim that positive affirmations don’t work for them. They try using positive affirmations for a while, and then they get bored, or they give up when they don’t see the results they want right away. Why do positive affirmations sometimes appear not to work?

Let’s get scientific about this. Get out a calculator, or a pen and paper. Now, take a bit of time to think how many negative affirmations go through your mind every hour. How often do you catch a subtle little thought fleeting through your brain that is really a put down of yourself and your abilities. Does it happen once an hour? Ten times an hour? More?

Now multiply that number by the hours you are usually awake during the day. Multiply that number by the number of days you have been alive since you were a child.

The resulting number will give you a rough idea of how many negative affirmations you have said to yourself during your life time. If you are like many people, the number of negative affirmations is a huge, astounding number, perhaps in the tens of thousands or even the hundreds of thousands of times.

Do you have an idea now why negative ideas can be so entrenched in your mind, and do you see why doing positive affirmations for a few weeks might not be enough to turn the tide of your own negative opinion?

For affirmations to work, you’ll have to commit to doing them long enough and often enough. That might mean, repeating your positive affirmations hundreds of times a day for many months. You’ll need to find a way to phrase your positive affirmations so that your mind can accept them.

If you give up on the idea of using positive affirmations, it’s all too easy to slip back into letting negative affirmations rule your life.

You are probably doing affirmations already, you just need to make sure the message you are affirming is the one you really want to hear.
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Sabtu, 05 September 2009

question2Although depression is the mental disorder that most people associate with suicidal behavior, a new study reveals that a wide range of mental disorders increase the odds of thinking about suicide and making suicide attempts.

Whereas depression is indeed one of the strongest predictors of suicidal thoughts across many different countries, it is disorders characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control that best predict which people act on such thoughts-especially in developing countries.

While mental disorders are among the strongest known predictors of suicide, the multi-country study was initiated because people often have more than one mental disorder at a time and little is known about which disorders are uniquely predictive of suicidal behavior, the extent to which disorders predict suicide attempts beyond their association with suicidal thoughts, and whether these associations are similar across developed and developing countries, say the authors.

Mental disorders are present in approximately half of people who seriously consider killing themselves and two-thirds of those who make a suicide attempt. Overall, mental disorders were equally predictive of suicidal thoughts and attempts in developed and developing countries, with a key difference being that the strongest predictors of suicide attempts in developed countries were mood disorders, whereas in developing countries impulse-control, substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorders were most predictive

These findings provide a more fine-grained understanding of the associations between mental disorders and subsequent suicidal behavior than previously available and indicate that mental disorders are predictive of suicidal behaviors in both developed and developing countries, but future research is needed to further delineate the mechanisms through which people come to think about suicide and subsequently progress from suicidal thoughts to attempts.

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How our mind works

Below are some concepts of how our mind works:

1. Mental Patterns

Mental pattern is a memory trace formed in your brain tissue to record something that you have experienced. As you see, hear, feel, smell, sense or taste something over and over, your brain builds a pattern of it.

When you experience it again, or something like it, your brain activates the existing memory trace or patterned thinking and you go on autopilot.8

2. Your Brain Can Process Only Positive Information

Basically, there’s only one way that our mind can recognize informations. That’s input from our senses, such as , sounds, feelings, tastes and smells. They all come from all of our senses which must be positive informations. Brain cannot process the negative ones, inputs you haven't experienced. information from the experiences of your five senses, which it then manipulates in the emotional blender we call the imagination

Reflecting and acting at the same time is very difficult as our mind can only hold one thought at a time. You can be going through periods of reflection and action at the same time but at any specific moment in time you are only spending energy in one of these two areas. You need to be focused on either reflection or action at one point and then be able to switch quickly and effortlessly to the other polarity when required.

3. Left Brain / Right Brain

1. The left brain works more with logic and analysis

2. The right works more with emotions and imagination.

4. Our Brain Cannot Think While It Focuses on Two Sensory Inputs

Research shows that when a person is thinking actively and then focuses on one perceptual happening such as sound, the brain waves remain basically the same and thoughts continue flow through the mind. However, when the human mind focuses on two distinct sensory inputs at the same time (a sound and an image, for instance), all thoughts almost immediately stop flowing through the mind.

5. The Brain Likes to Race Ahead

Once your mind gets moving in a direction, be it a left-brain direction (logical, mathematical, judgmental, analytical activities) or a a right-brain one (creative, visual, spatial concepts), it tends to keep going. To illustrate this, try this easy test suggested by Timothy Foster6:

What do you call a funny story? – joke

What are you when you have no money? – broke

What's another word for Coca Cola? – Coke

What's the white of an egg? --------------------

It isn't yolk, it's albumen. Were you tricked? Most people are. The brain likes to race ahead, because it already knows the answer.

6. Capacity of Our Working Memory

The maximum amount of items we can store in our working memory, or conscious mind, is three or four. If you need to hold more items in your mind at one time. use tricks like repeating items over and over or grouping items together, like we do with phone numbers.

Intelligence is related to working memory. The more information you can hold in your mind at one time. the more information you can interrelate. If you have a better working memory your creative problem-solving abilities are better.

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Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

tentang pikiran bawah sadar

anda tahu kenapa ada orang yang merasa paling sial di dunia ini?
anda tahu kenapa ada orang yang merasa putus asa?
anda tahu kenapa ada orang yang sukses, sementara yang lainnya merasa tidak akan pernah bisa sukses?

jawabannya sebenarnya mudah saja, yaitu konsep mindset kita yang sudah salah...........
lalu kenapa mindset kita bisa salah seperti itu? ya pasti karena pengalaman-pengalaman hidup kita selama ini. kita tahu bahwa sesungguhnya kita diciptakan ke dunia ini dengan potensi yang sama-sama besar antara 1 dan yang lainnya. namun seiring pertumbuhan kita, kita telah ditempa antara satu dan yang lainnya untuk berbeda. dan esensi sebenarnya dari perbedaan itu adalah tentang cara berpikir kita. dan saya bisa meyakini bahwa sebenarnya kenapa kita bisa merasa sedih, senang, bangga, sombong, frustrasi dan sebagainya adalah semata-mata karena permainan pikiran. faktanya sudah terlampau banyak, dimana ada orang yang penghasilannya selangit tapi tetap merasa miskin, orang yang merasa kesepian di tengah-tengah orang banyak, orang yang merasa dihantui merasa bersalah yang sangat besar walaupun telah lama dimaafkan yang bersangkutan. logikanya di dalam hidup ini, manusia memiliki 2 kekuatan terbesar, yaitu fisik dan jiwa. tanpa kekuatan fisik orang akan kesulitan untuk menunjang kesehatan jiwa. dan tanpa kesehatan jiwa, fisik tidak lagi ada artinya.

setelah penjelasan panjang lebar di atas, kita mesti berpikir lebih realistis lagi bahwa sebenarnya kita lahir di dunia ini adalah untuk mencari kebahagiaan secara rohani bukan materi. sudah banyak pendapat-pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa materi berpotensi jauh lebih besar untuk menjatuhkan kita daripada membahagiakan kita. kita mesti ingat bahwa tuhan memberikan kita cobaan melalui 2 paradoks, yaitu susah dan senang, kekayaan dan kemiskinan, kepandaian dan kebodohan, dsb.

untuk itu, kita mesti sadar dan mawas diri akan keberadaan pikiran kita. karena jika tidak pintar-pintar menjaga pikiran, gangguan kejiwaan bisa akan sangat dekat dengan diri anda. Read More....
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